What is INQYR?

The International Partnership for Queer Youth Resilience (INQYR) is a SSHRC-funded interdisciplinary and multilingual international research partnership designed to understand and support the resilience of LGBTQIA2S+ youth through technology-engaged research. We seek to contribute to a deeper understanding of LGBTQ+ youth resilience that is inclusive of multiple regional contexts in an increasingly digitized world.

Our research aims to do this by using technology-engaged research methods, such as digital photo elicitation, and engaging in technology-focused research with LGBTQ+ youth.

INQYR also trains the next generation of scholars and practitioners working with LGBTQ+ youth through our International Student Training Network (ISTN) program.

Featured Publication

Micro-aggressions based on sexual orientation and the mental health of gay men youth in three Mexican Cities

Microaggressions are a form of subtle violence that young gay men experience throughout their lives, which are known for negatively affecting mental health. A qualitative study with focus groups and in-depth interviews was conducted with 26 young gay men from three geographic areas of Mexico to explore their experiences of microaggressions based on sexual orientation and their impact on mental health. Results showed that microaggressions are present in all stages of life, mainly with family, friends, school, and in public and private spaces, and have behavioral, cognitive, and emotional effects such as sadness, shame, fear, crying, and concealment. The experience of these events and their consequences continue throughout all stages of life. The results suggest the importance of creating inclusive contexts within family and educational environments where gay youth can develop free of discrimination, especially in childhood and adolescence.

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Meet our international leadership team from Canada, the United States, Mexico, Australia, and the United Kingdom, as well as the many scholars supporting each regional network.

The International Student Training Network teaches emerging scholars how to conduct research with sexual and gender minority youth, with a particular focus on strengthening youth resilience.

Find publication summaries on topics like affirmative practice, resilience, or identity development. Each entry includes a summary of the research and links out to the article. The hub is frequently updated.

With a focus on ICT-engaged research methodologies, our research examines sexual and gender minority youth resilience. Learn more about our ongoing international and multinational research.