
The purpose of this research study is to explore the experiences of Black, Indigenous, People of Colour (BIPOC) LGBTQ+ youth, to get a better understanding of how their racial and ethnic identities influence how they choose to express their gender and sexual identities. We are also interested in exploring how they choose to navigate expressing these identities online and offline, and if there are any differences or unique challenges in both environments.


Now recruiting!

Seeking participants who:

  • are 14 - 29 years old

  • self-identify as Black, Indigenous, People of Colour (BIPOC)

  • self identify as a gender or sexual minority youth (GSMY/LGBTQ+)

  • live in Ontario

Participants will receive a $25 CAD gift card after completing a focus group.

Methodology & Recruitment 

ResolutiON uses photo-elicitation and focus groups, where participants will submit photos based on the themes that are discussed in the focus group. Prior to the focus group, you will be asked to provide 2 photos based on themes that will be discussed that you feel comfortable sharing with the group and using the talk about your experiences. Details about selecting photos will be provided prior to the focus group.

During the focus group, all participants will be invited talk about how your photos relate to the themes, and any other details that you feel comfortable sharing. This will allow for us to have a full and rich discussion about your experiences as a BIPOC LGBTQ+ youth. The focus groups will comprise fellow participants and a moderator, all of whom will be BIPOC and LGBTQ+-identified and will use participant responses and submitted photos to guide discussions throughout the duration of the group.

Research Questions

This study will seek to answer the following research questions:

  1. What are the experiences of Black Indigenous, People of Colour (BIPOC) gender and sexual minority youth (GSMY) in navigating the expressions of their gender and sexual identities?

  2. How does racial and ethnic identity influence one's approach to expressing their gender and sexual identities?

  3. What challenges do BIPOC GSMY experience in their interactions with non-GSMY BIPOC family, friends, and peers?

  4. What challenges to BIPOC GSMY experience in their interactions with non-BIPOC GSMY family, friends, and peers?


For any questions related to ResolutiON, please contact Egag Egag, Principal Investigator, at or at (416) 459-0513.