Esteban Leonardo Jiménez Rivagorza

Esteban Leonardo Jiménez Rivagorza (Pronouns: he/him, they/them) is a student at the Faculty of Psychology at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and serves as a member of the Young LGBT+ Leaders program of YAAJ, one of the most important organizations in the activism of Mexican sexual diversity. He currently collaborates in the laboratory of stigma in health and substance use of the Faculty of Psychology in charge of Dr. Claudia Rafful. He is interested in studying various public health issues such as HIV and adherence to treatment, as well as issues related to the LGBTTTIQA + population of Mexico such as internalized homonegativity and minority stress. During his training as a psychologist, he receives constant training on ethics in psychological research, as well as clinical psychotherapeutic tools on affirmative therapies, as a healthy alternative to combat the “efforts to correct sexual orientation or gender identity” (ECOSIG).